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Village of Schaumburg

101 Schaumburg Ct., Schaumburg, IL, 60193, US


Food and Beverage - Zero Tax Filing

Please use this form to submit your zero tax filing for food and beverage. If this is your final return, you may also make that selection and your business license will be terminated. 


If you have any questions concerning this form, please contact 847-923-4500.



Food and Beverage - Zero Tax Filing

Is this your final food and beverage tax submission?

What was your final day in business?

Please upload your zero tax filing form.

Click Here to Upload

Please upload the Illinois state ST-1 form.

Click Here to Upload

Food and Beverage - Zero Tax Filing

Contact Name

I hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the provided information is true and accurate.

Choose how to sign