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Village of Schaumburg

101 Schaumburg Ct., Schaumburg, IL, 60193, US


To better serve our patrons, the Village of Schaumburg is conducting an evaluation of the DART service. Your opinions about our service are important. Please fill out this survey only once.

If you would like a printed copy of this survey, please contact our office at (847) 923-3861 or

Satisfaction Level

How Satisfied are you with the: Phone System - Ease of Use?

How Satisfied are you with the: Amount of Time to Make a Reservation?

How Satisfied are you with the: Dispatcher Coutesy?

How Satisfied are you with the: Dispatcher Routing Skills/Competency?

How Satisfied are you with the: Pick-up Quoted Within 90 Minutes?

How Satisfied are you with the: On-Time Arrival - Within 15 Minute Quote?

How Satisfied are you with the: Length of Ride - 45 Minute Maximum?

How Satisfied are you with the: Driver Courtesy?

How Satisfied are you with the: Driver's Driving Style/Safety?

How Satisfied are you with the: Driver's Knowledge of Equipment (Lifts, etc.)?

How Satisfied are you with the: Sense of Safety and Security on the Bus?

How Satisfied are you with the: Comfort of the Bus Seats?

How Satisfied are you with the: Adequately Warm/Cool - Comfortable Temps?

How Satisfied are you with the: Cleanliness of the Bus?

How Satisfied are you with: Complaints/Concerns Addressed Quickly?

What is your Overall Satisfaction with DART?

How many times have you used DART in the last month?

When did you first use DART?

During what time period do you most often use the DART service?

DART Destinations

What locations do you access using DART? (Please mark all that apply)

Have you seen an improvement in DART service in the last 6 months?

Would you like to see DART service added on weekends?

If Village of Schaumburg had an operating agreement or partnership with an Uber or Lyft type of taxi service that would provide service earlier/later each day or on weekends/Holidays, would you be comfortable using it?

Are you a Schaumburg resident?

Optional Demographic Information



Household Income

Do you have access to a car?

Are you considered to be a person with a disability?

Would you like to be contacted by the Village of Schaumburg?

Best Method for Contact